The time had come to start the journey home to Fox’s Marina in Ipswich. The weather was beginning to draw in, with more stormy days and shorter fair weather windows. So, we set off eastwards.

The first step was Salcombe to Portland, a journey of at least 60 miles, depending on wind conditions and sailing. This called for an early start and we left Salcombe just as the sun was rising.

As we were, in effect, retracing our steps, the navigation was slightly easier. The key challenge was varying the sail plan for the changing wind conditions.

Throughout the day, the wind was consistently westerly, so directly behind us for most of the journey. It started  at Force 3 (7 -10 knots) and gradually rose to Force 5 (17-21 knots) with gusts to 25.

The sail plans changed regularly to ensure that Escapade sailed as well as possible under the conditions: Motoring, motor sailing with the main held out with a preventer, prevented main with staysail, prevented main with Genoa,  goose wing with prevented main and Genoa. Finally, we finished the day with a brisk sail with a reefed main and reefed Genoa. Wow, who’d have thought we knew all that!?!

Sail plan 1
Sail plan 2
Sail plan 3

The day was memorable, not just for the sailing, but also for our visitors. First was a small bird, about the size of a sparrow – pretty sure that it wasn’t a sparrow, maybe a twite? Whatever it was, it was a long way from land. It was clearly nervous and very unsure about being on the boat. However, the need for a rest outwayed the fear and it stayed with us for almost half an hour.

More exciting than that though was our first dolphin encounter. There must have been 8 to 10 of them, all swimming alongside and criss crossing in front of our bow. They seemed to be playing and stayed with us for about 40 minutes. It was brilliant!

Taking a rest

After an eventful day, we had sailed 82 miles in 12 hours, arriving in Portland Harbour just as it was getting dark.

End of a long day