By mid April 2024, we were back on board Escapade in Australia. Our holiday was over and it was time for work. We were booked into Gold Coast City Marina for a month and, in that time, Escapade would come out of the water to be on the hard for a massive clean and, of course, a few boat jobs.

On Friday 19th April, Escapade was lifted out for the first time in 2 years. We were impressed to see that our regular snorkels and dives to clean the hull had paid off and there was very little growth. The yard gave her a quick jet wash and, after a day scrubbing and another removing stubborn barnacle remains, the Coppercoat was as good as new.

Haul out day
A jolly good clean
Wax on, wax off

As Escapade had not had a good gel coat clean since our last haul out, my three weeks were mainly taken up working on that. Scaffolding was hired and, armed with my trusty polisher and, of course plenty of new cleaning compounds, I set to work to strip, clean, cut, polish and wax the gel coat. It was a long and tiring job, but worth it in the end as the gel coat was mirror shiny.

Our other below the water line jobs included changing the anodes and re antifouling the skin fittings, the sail drive leg, the rudder heel and the bowthruster. More cleaning for me!

Good as new
Extra Coppercoat

Martin was very busy too. He worked on flushing out all of the hoses and the sail drive. He added some extra Coppercoat to raise the waterline at the stern. But the big job was to change the four main batteries from AGM to lithium. Obviously, this wasn’t a straight forward job as three new battery chargers needed fitting with new cabling to suit.  But he was pleased with the end result which is currently working very well.

A very tidy job

We also replaced a very rusty anchor chain and had the anchor re galvanised.

Long may it remain like this
Ready to go back in the water

By the time she went back in, Escapade looked like a new boat and was ready to set sail again to new adventures.

Living onboard whilst the boat is out of the water is challenging – our fridge and freezer are keel cooled, so do not work and water use is difficult. At the end of a long and tiring day, it is good to be able to have somewhere else to go to. Our friends, Tony and Katy also had their boat, Tam Lin, on the hard, so we booked a month in an Airbnb. It was great to walk away from the yard at the end of a long day knowing that we had access to a clean space and a hot shower. The Airbnb was in a complex with a pool, hot tub, steam room and BBQ areas. Real luxury for us!

Whilst at the Airbnb, it was a big birthday for me and the celebrations lasted a month with BBQs, meals and many friends. One  of the highlights was a truly spectacular Australian feast prepared by Desi. A massive thank you to her and also to Katy for her co-ordination  and, of course, the delicious cake.

What a cake!!!
Kangaroo pie and baked emu
Pavlova, Lamingtons and Tim Tams
And more friends!