Every year, hundreds, if not thousands, of boats cross the Atlantic Ocean. Many of these do this independently, but we made the decision to do this with the World Cruising Club as part of one of their rallies. Why?

WCC have been running rallies for over 30 years and, on the run up to buying a boat, we attended many of their events. At these, we had the chance to listen to the experiences and opinions of others and this helped us to consider what was right for us. The WCC team have always been exceptional in their knowledge, support and guidance at every step of the way and we felt that this support from the rally would be the right choice for us. Was it the right decision?

Proud to be a part of ARC+ 2021

The Atlantic journey was long. Throughout the crossing, knowing that there were other people out there was a comfort. They were not often seen, but were usually available by radio or email. At times, for me, the crossing was lonely and I came to look forward to talking to other boats on the daily SSB net. Not just for finding out where they were and what the weather was like there, but finding out about how life on board was progressing, sharing the daily experiences, being party to the celebrations and hearing about today’s catch.

The continual movement of the boat becomes wearing as it limits what you can do. Bumps and falls meant I gained a new collection of bruises, some quite spectacular. The night watches were tiring and you long for an undisturbed sleep in a bed that does not feel like you are in a washing machine. Some things were sent to challenge us: a generator that wouldn’t start raising concerns about how we would manage to produce the power we needed; a genoa sheet that jammed in the pole meaning we couldn’t furl away the sail in gusty conditions; a rear cabin that needed mopping out and bedding to dry after a wave threw water in through the open portlight.

Would I say it was ‘fun’? Probably not, but it was an experience never to be forgotten. The WCC and the other people we were with helped to make this special  for us.

The organisational logistics must be a nightmare, especially in the ever changing times of covid. But the WCC teams have always been friendly and professional. We have nothing but praise for them. We have met so many fascinating people from all over the world and shared an experience that will bind us together for ever. We could have done it by ourselves, but I believe that the experience was far more rewarding for us having done it with WCC. Yes, for us, it was the right decision.

Thank you to ARC+ yellow shirts and Pure Grenada Tourism

This journey has been many years in the making and a huge achievement for us. We wish to thank all of those who have helped us get here. Without you all, it would have been much harder and far less enjoyable. We know that this is most definitely not the end, but only the beginning. I hope that you have enjoyed hearing about our travels so far and will continue to follow our adventures as we explore the Caribbean and beyond.

The journey continues...