It's time to leave
We spent a busy 5 months in Grenada and Carriacou, ticking off our boat jobs in preparation for…
More boat preparation
After a few days off for Spicemas carnival, we needed to return to our boat preparation and tick a…
Island life
After being on the hard for boat maintenance, Escapade’s relaunch coincided with the Carriacou…
Preparing for our next adventure
Anyone reading our posts would be excused for thinking that life on board is one rum punch after…
Sailing South
After visiting the spectacular Dominica, our journey south began in earnest. We were now into mid…
Dominica - above and below the water
While visiting Dominca, PAYS member and OCC port officer, Martin Carriere had wetted our appetite…
Heading south - discovering Dominica
The hurricane season was fast approaching and the talk amongst the boaters turned to ‘what are…
Antigua - the 'educational' bits!
In our last post, we shared the time we spent with James in Antigua and Barbuda – so nothing…
Adventures in Antigua and Barbuda
Moving on from Guadeloupe, we continued north to Antigua and Barbuda. Sailing almost 50nm from…
Guadeloupe - an island tour
Deshaies, in northern Guadeloupe, was an excellent anchorage – well protected, easy access…