No slip ups!

When out sailing, the boat’s deck can be very slippery, especially when wet. This makes a…

Sinbad the Ship's Cat

When reading blogs from other sailors, I am surprised by how many have pets; usually dogs or cats.…


One of the things I love about living on the boat is the opportunity to watch the…

Making things pretty!

Lockdown has meant that we have had to change our plans. We were expecting to leave Ipswich in…

Sailing again!

At long last, the river is back open and we can sail!! It seemed like such a long time ago that we…

Life aboard a boat

Well, it finally happened…31st March…Martin retired! This, along with the fact that our…

Solar panels

Power is an important thing to consider in anyone’s abode, but being on a boat brings…

New skills

Since buying Escapade, Martin and I have learnt so many new things and developed a range of skills…

Locked Down!

As with the rest of the UK, we too are on lock down. The marina and boatyard staff are…

A weekend of work

Making the most of Escapade being out of the water, we had a list of jobs to complete that were…